Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 6

Welcome, welcome to day six of Shot Through the Heart. Today I have something a little special for you all so lets get rolling with:

Grease 2

  • Welp, two minutes into the film already and everyone has broken into a song and dance routine. Can you imagine if life was like this? People just drop everything and start singing about the boring, mundane routines.
  • You can tell it's the 60's because of the copious amounts of hair product everywhere.
  • Eight minutes. Eight minutes and the first song (Back to School) is just ending. Eight Minutes!
  • Uh oh, you can tell these guys are badass because they're wearing leather and riding their motorcycles around the school track.
  • "We're gonna score tonight." Oh I get it, the song is about sex and bowling at the same time. Clever, very clever.
  • Man I really don't miss high school at all.
  • Every time I look at this British kid I see Brad Pitt. His name is Maxwell Caulfield look him up.
  • Singing about pollination, every teenagers dream....
  • Why are the women the baritone singers?
  • A ten year old is trying to start a mini gang-war. See this is something I could get behind.
  • And now this guy looks like a cross between Robo-Cop and Maverick with that goggles helmet combo.
  • How is this greaser, who is trying to get laid by faking a nuclear holocaust, going to explain just exactly happened outside this bomb shelter?
  • Man, this british guy has a hard life. It must suck having a bunch of people swarm all over you offering to give you money, and to think the audience is trying to feel for this guy.
  • I literally looked away for two minutes and now they are singing in what I can only assume is limbo about their undying love for each other. What the hell did I miss?
  • And now theres a Luau because why the hell not.
  • Oh ok, so they were singing in limbo because the british guy apparently died. Don't worry though; because he is back alive and just jumped a motorcycle over a pool before the final song and dance routine. You know it has to end happily.
I never saw the original Grease so Im probably missing some of the rich back story, but this was shit. The characters were completely one dimensional, with very inconsistent development. The central plot has no real resolution, and in terms of a romantic comedy there really wasn't much of either. The love story was shoe-horned, and the comedy was non-existent. Not as bad as yesterday's film, but its really bad.

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