Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 2

Well lets start right away with todays film

The People I've Slept With

I had to dig deep to find this film, and with a amazing two star rating I just couldn't resist!

  • 45 second mark: Wait, I think the guy she was sleeping with is the same guy who play Harold in Harold & Kumar. If so this movie is much more mainstream then I believed.
  • 1.5 Minutes: So I've never been pregnant, but I have known a few people who have. Yet Im pretty certain you don't have the symptoms as soon as the guy pulls out, or so I heard.
  • 4 minute mark: Bare ass, even faster then yesterdays film.
  • Speaking of yesterday's film; this film also has a gay roommate.
  • Honestly this film is kinda horrible, not on a technical level, but on a simply ethical level.
  • Baseball Sex cards are a plot device. Take that as you will.
  • 11 minutes mark: Seriously there are some serious glaring narrative issues here. We don't know the main characters name yet, and no setting has been introduced. Im pretty sure every scene has been on the same set with the furniture rearranged. 
  • 13 minute mark: Im already losing focus of the film. This seems more like a porno than a romantic comedy, but this film is really bad no matter what.
  • Also everyone is overacting their parts.
  • 24 minute mark: This isn't a romance movie at all, so why am I still watching this.
  • Nope never mind, that dude wasn't Harold.
  • "Don't Be Asian"- what does that mean?
  • Ok I guarantee that this film will end with the pregnant girl going into labor and the Not-Harold guy coming into the delivery room declaring his room. Im calling it now.
  • Welp Religious overtone and pro-life agenda are swinging in full force now.
  • Hyper-Sexualized cooking montage, yay?
  • 42 minute mark: I really like Rane Jameson in this film. He gives a very awkward performance, but for the role he's in he draws the audience in.
  • 50 minute mark: The movie is 89 minutes long, and now the romance plot line just started....
  • Dammit my prediction was wrong!
  • My second prediction is that the baby will be born during the wedding
  • Fuck, my second prediction was wrong!
Well the movie just ended and I really just feel dirty. This movie had nothing really for a movie goer, and nothing really for anyone I could see. I could probably imagine something much worse, but seriously this            is pretty bad.

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